About Benjamin Fairbourne

About Benjamin Fairbourne

Early Life

When Benjamin Was Born He Was Born Deaf For The First 3 Months Of Birth & Has A Set Back On His Learning & Speech Abilities. His Family Didn't Know If He Would Ever Be Able To Hear But They Prayed & Fasted & Miraculously He Was Healed.
Benjamin Fairbourne Grew Up In A Mormon House Hold With His Family Of 6 Including Him. Benjamin Fairbourne Lived & Still Lives In Utah With His Friends & Family. 
Benjamins Parents Always Braley Got By At Were Very Stressed Out About Money All Their Life's & He Took Notice Of That & Wanted To Solve The Problem.
He Was Always Extremely Motivated To Learn At A Young Age & Would Go To The Library Every Week & Get As Many Business, Self Improvement & Entrepreneur Books As He Could Carry.
Benjamin Was Very Gifted At Sports & Athletics But Instead Literally Chose To Sacrifice His Time, Sports, Relationships & Health Inorder To Learn 24/7! Benjamin Was Able To Excel Extremely Fast Financially, Educationally, Skillsets, Knowledge & Social Skills. Benjamin Enjoyed  & Did Great In School But Focused Greatly On Self Education Over Formal Education.
Benjamin Achieved Extremely Big Success For His Age At 20 Years Old & Moved Out Of His Parents Into A Luxury Apartment. He Helped His Family & Moved Forward On His Massive Plans For The Future.

Early Life

When Benjamin Was Born He Was Born Deaf For The First 3 Months Of Birth & Has A Set Back On His Learning & Speech Abilities. His Family Didn't Know If He Would Ever Be Able To Hear But They Prayed & Fasted & Miraculously He Was Healed.
Benjamin Fairbourne Grew Up In An LSD Church House Hold With His Family Of 6 Including Him. Benjamin Fairbourne Lived & Still Lives In Utah With His Friends & Family. 
Benjamins Parents Always Barely Got By At Were Very Stressed Out About Money All Their Life's & He Took Notice Of That & Wanted To Solve The Problem.
He Was Always Extremely Motivated To Learn At A Young Age & Would Go To The Library Every Week & Get As Many Business, Self Improvement & Entrepreneur Books As He Could Carry.
Benjamin Was Very Gifted At Sports & Athletics But Instead Literally Chose To Sacrifice His Time, Sports, Relationships & Health Inorder To Learn 24/7! Benjamin Was Able To Excel Extremely Fast Financially, Educationally, Skillsets, Knowledge & Social Skills. Benjamin Enjoyed  & Did Great In School But Focused Greatly On Self Education Over Formal Education.
Benjamin Achieved Extremely Big Success For His Age At 20 Years Old & Moved Out Of His Parents Into A Luxury Apartment. He Helped His Family & Moved Forward On His Massive Plans For The Future.


Benjamin Fairbourne Spent All His Time Learning, Reading & Watching YouTube Videos Teach Many Things.
He Tried Many Different Methods To Make Money Online But Nothing Worked Until...
His First Break Through Which Was Running Facebook Ads To Sales Funnels Selling Digital Products In The Health/Keto Niche & Made Sales Funnels Promoting CPA Marketing Sweepstake Offers & Made His First $100,000+ Until...
Benjamin Then Moved On To The Next Biggest  Opportunity He Could Find & That Was... YouTube!
He Was Around 20 Years Old At The Time & Was Ready To Make Big Things Happen So He Started A Cashcow YouTube Channel & Hustled For Many Months To Build A Growing Income Stream To $100,000+/Month With Affiliate CPA Marketing & YouTube Adsense!
He Then Sold His First Cashcow YouTube Channel To A Subscriber For High 6 Figures!
But Before Selling His Huge Cashcow Channel He Made Sure To Make Many Videos That Would Promote His Next Cashcow Channel Which He Still Has To This Day & It Makes Him Over $300,000/Month Passively With CPA Affiliate Marketing & YouTube Adsense!
Benjamin Also Discovered Another Massive Opportunity Called, "Adult Marketing" And He Would Build Highly Profitable Adult Campaigns To Scale To High 6 Figures - High 7 Figures At Huge Profit Margins! And Benjamin Still Actively Builds & Scales New Campaigns Constantly!
Benjamin Also Has Many Other Methods He Does On The Side That Make Him An Extra $10K - $100K+ Per Month As Well! Including A Method He Calls, "The Golden Ticket Method" & Promoting Offers To His Huge Email Lists & Running Niche Sales Funnels With YouTube Ads!
Benjamin Has Always Been Documenting His Journey From The Beginning Of What He Does Over On His Personal Brand YouTube Channel But Now Has Serious Goals Are To Build An Amazing Community Of 1M+ Awesome People (Learning Machine Family) & Help Millions Change Their Life's!
Benjamin Fairbourne Has Made Millions Online & Has Insanely High Ambitions To Reach Billions! ;)


Benjamin Fairbourne Spent All His Time Learning, Reading & Watching YouTube Videos Teach Many Things.
He Tried Many Different Methods To Make Money Online But Nothing Worked Until...
His First Break Through Which Was Running Facebook Ads To Sales Funnels Selling Digital Products In The Health/Keto Niche & Made Sales Funnels Promoting CPA Marketing Sweepstake Offers & Made His First $100,000+ Until...
Benjamin Then Moved On To The Next Biggest  Opportunity He Could Find & That Was... YouTube!
He Was Around 20 Years Old At The Time & Was Ready To Make Big Things Happen So He Started A Cashcow YouTube Channel & Hustled For Many Months To Build A Growing Income Stream To $100,000+/Month With Affiliate CPA Marketing & YouTube Adsense!
He Then Sold His First Cashcow YouTube Channel To A Subscriber For High 6 Figures!
But Before Selling His Huge Cashcow Channel He Made Sure To Make Many Videos That Would Promote His Next Cashcow Channel Which He Still Has To This Day & It Makes Him Over $300,000/Month Passively With CPA Affiliate Marketing & YouTube Adsense!
Benjamin Also Discovered Another Massive Opportunity Called, "Adult Marketing" And He Would Build Highly Profitable Adult Campaigns To Scale To High 6 Figures - High 7 Figures At Huge Profit Margins! And Benjamin Still Actively Builds & Scales New Campaigns Constantly!
Benjamin Also Has Many Other Methods He Does On The Side That Make Him An Extra $10K - $100K+ Per Month As Well! Including A Method He Calls, "The Golden Ticket Method" & Promoting Offers To His Huge Email Lists & Running Niche Sales Funnels With YouTube Ads!
Benjamin Has Always Been Documenting His Journey From The Beginning Of What He Does Over On His Personal Brand YouTube Channel But Now Has Serious Goals Are To Build An Amazing Community Of 1M+ Awesome People (Learning Machine Family) & Help Millions Change Their Life's!
Benjamin Fairbourne Has Made Millions Online & Has Insanely High Ambitions To Reach Billions! ;)

The Break Through

It Took Benjamin Fairbourne Years & Years Of Failure Until He Finally Cracked The Code To Making Money, Business, Marketing, Sales & So Much More!

The Break Through

It Took Benjamin Fairbourne Years & Years Of Failure Until He Finally Cracked The Code To Making Money, Business, Marketing, Sales & So Much More!

Giving Back

Benjamin Fairbourne's Goal In Life Is To Make Others Happy, Leave A Legacy & Most Of All Is To Help Millions Of People In Need & Change Millions Of Peoples Life's Positively!

Giving Back

Benjamin Fairbourne's Goal In Life Is To Make Others Happy, Leave A Legacy & Most Of All Is To Help Millions Of People In Need & Change Millions Of Peoples Life's Positively!

Personal Life

Benjamin Fairbourne Is Single And Lives A Life Of Freedom Doing Whatever The Heck He Wants, Whenever He Wants.

Personal Life

Benjamin Fairbourne Lives A Life Of Freedom Doing Whatever The Heck He Wants, Whenever He Wants.
Contact Me:

Instagram: @benjaminfairbourne

Skype: benjaminfairbourne
Copyright © 2022 Benjamin Fairbourne All rights reserved.
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